Use your imagination
My son Caleb likes to stay up late and watch movies with the big kids. Like any savvy six-year-old, he tries to negotiate when bedtime is enforced.
My son Caleb likes to stay up late and watch movies with the big kids. Like any savvy six-year-old, he tries to negotiate when bedtime is enforced.
I just celebrated my 18th wedding anniversary. I was 23 and my husband was 21 when we got married on a sunny day in October, 1991.A recent article in Chatelaine suggests if we were married today at that young age, our marriage would likely not last 18 years. Author Kate Fillion reports in “The case […]
I’ve always loved visiting downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia, with its historic waterfront, quirky little shops, multicultural atmosphere and lively pubs.
My husband and I stayed there following our modest wedding ceremony in October 1991, and recently we returned to celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary.
On Saturday, I visited the Marine Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax, Nova Scotia this weekend, with my husband. We were on a getaway weekend celebrating our 18th wedding anniversary (which is actually today.) I was hoping to find some information there for my next novel, but instead found myself weeping among the photographs and artifacts in the second-floor Titanic display. I got a few curious looks from the American bus tourists, but I tried to pretend there was something in my eye.
In honor of author Julie Powell and the movie “Julie and Julia,” I’m thinking of embarking on an experiment for the purposes of daily blogging. What should it be?
Kids say funny things sometimes, but my youngest child, Caleb, is really a crack-up. Sometimes he reminds me of Calvin, in the old “Calvin and Hobbes” comic strip.
Heard Richard Dawkins peddling his new book, The Greatest Show on Earth, on CBC radio’s The Current this morning with Anna-Maria Tremonti.
Saw a group of teenage boys climb into a car while I was running today.
Saw Ian Hanomansing at Sobey’s last night. He caught me staring, but I didn’t speak to him…
I don’t like to admit it, but my kids argue. I’d like all of you to believe what you see in the family picture…three friendly, smiling children and two doting parents huddling on a park bench, the red and yellow fall leaves spilling gently behind them. What you don’t see in this idyllic picture is […]