You are what you eat, Missy
I must speak with my 11-year-old daughter Sophie regarding her methods for packing school lunches. (My husband and I thought mornings were moving along much more smoothly this fall since our two eldest children started packing their own lunches on previous evenings.)
Today, Sophie woke with a headache and a bit of nausea, so she stayed home. While my husband was packing our youngest son’s lunch this morning, he thought, “Maybe I could save myself some time and give Sophie’s sandwich to Caleb.”
Until he checked it, that is.
A spinach and Honey-Nut Cheerio sandwich.
And what else did she pack? Three cookies in a baggie, two chocolate bars and a sucker.
I think we’ve been had.
Hahahahahaha!!!! I thought it just might be.
Spinach and Honey Nut Cheerio? I guess it could be less healthy but wow, original or what? I trust you’re encouraging her creative side but in other aspects of her life? lol
Sophie is definitely a creative soul! Our kids are actors, singers, artists, dancers all. Creativity makes life much more fun.