So far, so good…
The book launch for my debut novel, The Widow & The Will, took place at the Alma City Club in Moncton on Thursday, April 4.

And of course, it snowed like crazy, keeping several folks away. Big, thick flakes that turned into slushy gushes of snow on the roads.

The peevish spring squall continued into the weekend, when I hung out at Chapters to sign books with Maria from Merlin Star Press on Saturday afternoon.

Despite the inconvenient weather, so many of you turned out to support my launch, my book signing and my reading at the Moncton library, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It was so kind of you to come to these events. The response to my little story has been favourable, and I appreciate the support I’ve received.

I have forgotten how to be interviewed, though. I will be appearing at the Frye Festival (this Sunday, April 28, 10 am at the Thomas Williams House in Moncton – you can sign up for a ticket here) in a new initiative to feature local writers called “Flash Frye,” and for this reason, I was interviewed last week by Vanessa Vandervalk of CBC’s Shift – and completely failed to mention the name of my book, or the brand-new publisher who has brought it to the world. Here I was, describing my story, and never once mentioned the title.
Aye-yi-yi… Oh well. I didn’t mention the title when I spoke to Jonna Brewer of CBC Info Morning Moncton on April 17, either – but at least she did. 🙂 Hopefully there will be more media opportunities in the future, and I will eventually sound like an old pro.
And this Sunday evening (April 28), after my 11 am appearance at Frye, I’ll be the featured reader at Saint John Voices, a monthly open mic event where writers can show up and sign up at 6 pm for a beginning at 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. It offers 7 Minutes per reader, a Featured Published Reader (that’s me), a Musical Guest with original songs (songs need writing too!), Optional feedback from a panel of experts, and a Merch Table full of local authors. If it sounds good, why don’t you join us at WASTED DAY BREWERY, 36 Water Street, Saint John, NB?

For now, I’m gearing up for a busy summer tourist season of selling my book, particularly at gift shops and bookstores along the Fundy coast, since the story focuses on this wondrous area of the province. And I’m grateful for every opportunity to talk about writing, and all the things that make my home the best place in the world to live.

To purchase a copy of The Widow & The Will online, check out the publisher’s online store. They’ll mail it to you, wherever you are!